following exercise can be done as a starter to introduce a topic or as a
plenary to reflect on the lesson/ topic.
class form a continuum- a single file line along a wall. Label one end of the wall /space January
and the other December. The students line up in a single file line facing you, in order of their birthdays. They
can speak to each other for this one.
count down from 5-1= pupils individually but all at the same time, freeze as - someone remembering a happy memory or as a character from the lesson, or a particular moment in a story for one chosen character etc etc to create a tableau. Teacher can count down again to show different moments.
− To create a new continuum but this time using the first letter of either their
first name or surname. This time the students aren't allowed to speak.
down and repeat the freeze with a sad memory or a different moment or character
about facial expressions and body language.
can be done to show how they feel about their own
progress in class as well.
After the final one,
the students could then be thought tapped. Using a drum to freeze on also
helps younger students to focus.
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